2015 Annual Conference – Caring for the Human Spirit®
Monday, April 20
Integrating Spiritual Care in Healthcare—A Global Imperative
Christina M. Puchalski, MD, FACP
Founder and Director
George Washington Institute for Spirituality & Health (GWish)
Note: Portions of the video are inaudible due to technical issues.
Integration of Spirituality in Palliative Care Education and Research
Betty Ferrell, PhD, RN, MA, FAAN, FPCN, CHPN
Director and Professor, Nursing Research and Education
City of Hope, Duate, CA
Workshop A1: Make Your Chatter Matter: Structured Communication for Healthcare Chaplains
Karen E. Steinhauser, PhD
The Rev. George Grant, PhD
Jason A. Nieuwsma, PhD
Amy M. Pastva, PT, MA, PhD
Workshop A2: Demonstrating the Value of Integrating Spiritual Care in Healthcare Through Increased Patient Satisfaction
David S. Kountz, MD, MBA, FACP
Stacy Doumas, MD
David Cotton, MA, MDiv
A portion of the video is missing because of technical issues.
Workshop A3: TeleChaplaincy: The Online Practice of Professional Chaplaincy
The Rev. David Fleenor, BCC, ACPE Supervisor
The Rev. Amy Strano, MDiv
A portion of the video is missing because of technical issues.
Workshop A4: The Impact of Cognitively-Based Compassion Training on the Perceived Incidence of Workplace Incivility Among Neonatal Intensive Care Nurses
The Rev. Brenda Presha, MDiv, BCC, CT
Myra Rolfes, MN, BSN, RNC-NIC
Brendon Ozawa-de Silva, DPhil, MTS
Workshop B1: Keeping Watch: A Chaplain’s Perspective of Personal Crisis
Timothy James Ledbetter, DMin, BCC
Workshop B2: Chaplain Visits and Patient Satisfaction
Deborah B. Marin, MD
Vanshdeep Sharma, MD
Rabbi H. Rafael Goldstein, DMin, BCC
Workshop B3: The Distinctiveness of Pediatric Chaplaincy and Related Developmental and Training Implications for Spiritual Care
The Rev. Paul Nash, MA, MA
Chaplain Mark Bartel, MDiv, BCC
Workshop B4: Increasing Spiritual Care Awareness in Oncology Nursing Staff to Provide Quality Holistic Patient Care
The Rev. Christina Shu, MDiv

Clicking on an individual photo presents the photo caption.
Snapshot of Featured Speaker’s Remarks
Watch this brief video to hear conference speakers take-away messages.
Tuesday, April 21
Spiritual Care in Palliative Care—The State of the Science
Karen E. Steinhauser, PhD
The Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care
VA Medical Center, Durham, NC
Video to Come:
Making Spiritual Care a Part of Healthcare Worldwide
Liliana De Lima, MHA
Executive Director
International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care
Houston, TX
Note: Portions of the video are inaudible due to technical issues.
Workshop C1: Spiritual AIM: Articulation, Evolution and Evidence
Allison Kestenbaum, MA, MPA, BCC
The Rev. Will Hocker, MDiv, MSW, BCC
Jennifer James, MSW, MSSP
Laura B. Dunn, MD
Workshop C2: From Soloist to Symphony: Healthcare Team Formation
Glen Komatsu, MD
The Rev. Denise Hess, MA, MDiv, BCC-HPCC, MFTI
Workshop C3: Spiritually Integrated Therapy: A Curriculum for Mental Health Providers
Kelly Arora, PhD
Video to come:
Workshop C4: Educating Healthcare Practitioners in Spiritual Care-A Tradecraft Workshop
Chaplain Bruce Feldstein, MD
Marita Grudzen, MHA
Workshop D1: Can Trusting God Be Bad for Health?: A Look at the Research
George Fitchett, DMin, PhD, BCC
Blase Polite, MD, MPP
Fay Hlubocky, PhD, MA
Toni Cipriano-Steffens, MA
Workshop D2: Addressing Cumulative Grief as an Interdisciplinary Palliative Care Team
Howard Tuch, MD
The Rev. Amy Santamaria, MDiv
The Rev. Jakob Hero, MDiv, MA
Jennifer Cacioppo, LCSW
Workshop D3: Implementation of a Mental Health Certification Program for Chaplains
Jason A. Nieuwsma, PhD
The Rev. William C. Cantrell, MDiv, BCC
Shelia O’Mara, MDiv
Keith G. Meador, MD, ThM, MPH
Presentation to Come:
Video to Come:
Workshop D4: The Role of the Chaplain in Medical Education: Fostering Inner Personal Growth as Part of Professional Formation of the Students
Christina M. Puchalski, MD, FACP
Susan Donham, PBCC
Video to Come:
Wednesday, April 22
Finding Room For God?: A Practical Theology For Spiritual Care In Healthcare
The Rev. John Swinton, BD, PhD, RMN, RNMD
Professor in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care
School of Divinity, Religious Studies and Philosophy
University of Aberdeen, King’s College, Aberdeen, Scotland
The Professional Chaplain: Taking the Lead in Integrating Spiritual Care through Clinical Practice, Education and Research
George Handzo, BCC, CSSBB
Director of Health Services, Research and Quality
HealthCare Chaplaincy Network
New York, NY
Intensive 1
Helen B. McNeal, BBA, Executive Director, Institute for Palliative Care at California State University San Marcos
Video to Come:
Intensive 2
Marvin Omar Delgado-Guay, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Intensive 3
Benjamin Corn, MD, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Life’s Door-Tishkofet