Keynote Address
Chaplaincy and Compassion: Challenges and Interventions
Roshi Joan Jiko Halifax, Ph.D.
Plenary Session
What Does Multidisciplinary Compassionate Care Look Like?
Deborah B. Marin, M.D
Plenary Session
Patient Experience: A Movement of Spirit at the Heart of Health Care
Jason A. Wolf, Ph.D., CPXP
Plenary Session
Chaplains in Health care: Do We Make a Difference?
The Rev. Kathie Bender Schwich, M.Div., FACHE
Plenary Session Presentation
Workshop A4
The Role of the Chaplain in Medical Decision-Making
M. Jeanne Wirspa, MA, BCC, Rebecca Johnson, Ph.D., MSc
Workshop B5
From This Life to the Next and the Next One After That: Diversity in Death and Dying
Michelle K. LaGrone, MDiv, LLP
Workshop C5
Teaching Compassionate Communication to Health Care Professionals
Larry Dawalt, MDiv, CT, CTSS, Robert Michael Smith, M.D., MBA
Workshop D6
An Introduction to the Comprehensive Psycho-Spiritual Clinical Interview
Ralph L. Piedmont
Workshop E3
Exploring Spiritual Challenges with Patients, Families and Interdisciplinary Teams
Kerry Irish, LMSW, OSW-C, Debra Mattison, LNSW, ACSW, OSW-C, Melissa Stewart, LCSW-R
Workshop Presentations – A Series
A1. Exiles in America: An Odyssey of Trauma, Recovery, and Wholeness Gordon D. Ritchie, BCC, DMin
A2. Promoting Spiritual Care as a Payer: Establishing a New Best Practice in Palliative Medicine Bruce Smith, M.D., FACP, and LeAnne Spears, MA
A3. And Yet It Was A Blessing: The Case for Existential Maturity Sarah Sonnefeld, Linda Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D.
No presentation available for this workshop
A4. The Role of the Chaplain in Medical Decision-Making M. Jeanne Wirspa, MA, BCC, Rebecca Johnson, Ph.D., MSc
A5. Intentional Care of the Spirit: The Practice of Faith Community Nursing Sharon T. Hinton, DMin, RN-BC, MSN
A6. The G-Word: Exploring the Clinical Relevance of Religion & Spirituality in Medical Social Work Practice
Melissa Stewart, LCSW-R
No presentation available for this workshop
Workshop Presentations – B Series
B2. Developing a Volunteer Chaplaincy Program in a Rural Health Care Organization Tod Clark, MDiv
a. Volunteer Chaplaincy Training
B5. From This Life to the Next and the Next One After That: Diversity in Death and Dying
Michelle K. LaGrone, MDiv, LLP
No presentation available for this workshop
B6. Spirituality Matters: Creative Interventions to Address the Needs of Individuals With Chronic Illness
Debra Mattison, LNSW, ACSW, OSW-C
No presentation available for this workshop
Workshop Presentations – C Series
C1. A Transdisciplinary Approach to Chronic Pain: A Clinical Psychologist and a Chaplain Work Together
Linda Golding, MA, BCC, Nomita Sonty, Ph.D., MPhil
No presentation available for this workshop
C2. Strengthening the Work of Chaplaincy Through Advance Care Planning James A. Kraft, MTh
C4: Developing a Taxonomy for Pediatric Chaplaincy Building on the Advocate Health care Model
Paul Nash, MA
No presentation available for this workshop
Workshop Presentations – E Series
E3. Exploring Spiritual Challenges with Patients, Families and Interdisciplinary Teams Kerry Irish, LMSW, OSW-C, Debra Mattison, LNSW, ACSW, OSW-C, Melissa Stewart, LCSW-R
No presentation available for this workshop
E5. Nurse-Provided Spiritual Care: Practices and Perspectives Elizabeth Johnston Taylor, Ph.D., RN