The Excellence in Spiritual Care Award program:

Produced by HealthCare Chaplaincy Network, HCCN-TVTM is the first-of-its kind TV channel with 10 programs that encompass myriad spiritual care topics applicable to hospital patients, outpatients, hospice patients, residents in long-term care settings, family caregivers, and other audiences. The series addresses three overarching themes: information, inspiration and comfort. Each 30- to 60-minute program features interviews with board-certified health care chaplains, other experts, and former and current patients and caregivers who share stories related to the receipt of and/or need for spiritual care.

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Click on the videos below for a trailer of each episode. If you wish to view a full episode please contact us at:

Critical Conversations: Expressing Your Wishes

(Running Time: 45:25)

Heavy and heartfelt conversations often need to take place when someone is ill—and, while rarely easy, they can help avoid harder issues down the road. Emphasizing the critical nature of these discussions, this program sets forth very practical approaches to effective communication among patients, family members/friends, and medical teams, including how to express needs and discuss the diagnosis, treatment plans and end-of-life wishes, as well as the “why’s” of having these conversations. Professional chaplains offer their insight, and patients and family caregivers drive home important messages with their own compelling stories. “Once you start opening up like that and other people open up to you, you gather strength from that …” (Paul Makarenko, Patient)

Death & Dying: Approaching the End of Life

(Running Time: 47:46)

Perhaps nothing raises more powerful spiritual and emotional questions than end of life. This program addresses common emotions, wishes and issues, demonstrated primarily by one family caregiver’s very raw account of her loved one’s death after a courageous battle with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Discussions by family caregivers and professional chaplains include the value of “life review” (to remember and resolve things, and pass on stories); end-of-life wishes (medical, legal, rituals); self-care for caregivers; and views on what happens when we die. “In the end, it’s the patient’s choice, it’s the patient’s decision …” (Pam Bell, Family Caregiver)

Emotional Care: Moving Toward Hopefulness

(Running Time: 46:05)

Individuals and their loved ones typically experience an avalanche of emotions when illness strikes, and living with it may mean adjusting to a new sense of self. In this program, professional multi-faith chaplains, family members, and a patient explore how to achieve normalcy—a feeling of standing on solid ground. They help guide viewers to find things that provide joy, meaning and gratefulness; to connect or re-connect to ourselves, others, a higher power or religion; to engage in spiritual exercises like breathing and creative expression; and to voice or not voice their experiences. “Strength is just something you have to find within yourself … You do it at whatever pace you can …” (Mary Beth Greenberg, Family Caregiver)

Grief: A Personal Journey

(Running Time: 53:27)

What is grief? Through the powerful guidance of professional multi-faith chaplains and the personal journeys of family caregivers, viewers will learn that grief is complicated and unpredictable. While the experience, whether a reaction to illness, loss, change or death, is deeply unique to each individual, this program explores common reactions and soul-searching questions: “Why has God done this me? Who am I now?” Chaplains reaffirm emotions, and suggest various coping strategies and spiritual exercises—all of which can help viewers adjust to change, embrace a new normal, and, as one chaplain says, “to grief and to be.” “It’s very important that we honor [grief] and claim it in order to live healthy, full, free …” (Rev. Karen Jones, Chaplain)

Inspirational Quotes

(Running Time: 32:03)

Rich in words as well as sights and sounds, this program provides viewers with quotes of inspiration and wisdom, and readings from the world’s religions. The thoughts of philosophers, poets, spiritual and religious leaders, celebrities and others from around the world are brought to life by an array of narrators and enlivened by empowering, diverse images and music. “Give light and people will find the way …” (Ella Baker, American Civil Rights Leader)

Legal & Financial Issues: Planning Ahead

(Running Time: 29:16)

Tackling a very real-world subject, professionals, family caregivers and patients themselves offer practical advice on how to get started in thinking about, talking about, and preparing essential legal and financial documents, such as a health care proxy, power of attorney, and will. Moreover, they explain why advance care planning before an illness is critical—spiritually, emotionally and practically—for individuals, their loved ones, and their clinicians. “You’re giving your family a gift by making your wishes known to them in advance … and it will give you peace of mind …” (Jeffrey Greener, Elder Law Attorney)

Palliative & Hospice Care: Focusing on Comfort

(Running Time: 35:45)

This program defines and explains palliative care and hospice care, clarifying their emphasis on “wholeness”—body, mind and spirit—during chronic illness and end of life, respectively. It explores how this interdisciplinary team approach, including a chaplain’s participation, can provide support and comfort to patients and their families throughout their journey. Plus, family caregivers share meaningful experiences and authentic conversations with loved ones nearing death. “[Hospice] can give people that goal of having good days at a point in life that is so important …” (Scott Amrhein, Family Caregiver)

Prayers & Meditations From the Heart

(Running Time: 30:28)

Professional, multi-faith chaplains offer insight into the meaning and structure of prayer, and then, in heartfelt and expressive voices, engage patients, family members and staff in various prayers and meditations–general and faith-specific. Accompanied by soothing images and music, the readings provide viewers with feelings of comfort, strength, community, and healing of body, mind and spirit. “Let us find within ourselves that place of wholeness … of healing …” (Rev. Florine Thompson, Chaplain)

Spiritual Care: Finding Your Way

(Running Time: 50:13)

Through candid and reflective interviews, this program explores the relationship between spirituality and health care, emphasizing the interdependence of body, mind and spirit. Professional chaplains of various faith backgrounds delve into the meaning of spirituality, as well as the role of a chaplain in “being present.” Woven throughout, three patients—one, living with incurable cancer; one, a heart attack survivor; and one, diagnosed HIV-positive—take us through their inspirational search for meaning, and illustrate how spirituality, attitude, and connection to oneself and others can help patients look at life via a hopeful lens. Also offered are multiple tools, such as prayer, guided imagery and gratitude, to care for the human spirit. “I choose to show up for life as a normal healthy person. And my attitude, my spirituality, my friends enable me to do so …” (Rita Foley, Patient)

Spiritual Issues: The Big Questions in Life

(Running Time: 46:47)

How can this happen to me? What is life? Why has God abandoned me? Illness can provoke painful feelings, profound questions—and an insatiable quest for answers. Viewers will walk away from this program with the knowledge that they are not alone in their questions or their feelings: fear, abandonment, hopelessness and anger are common reactions to serious or chronic illness or end of life. Professional multi-faith chaplains empower them to dig deeply and embrace various methods for healing. As well, several patients share their inspirational journeys of how they found comfort and meaning, and respite from the storm. “We don’t know why. That’s the part chaplains explore with people: the why …” (Rev. Jill Bowden, Chaplain)