The State of Research:

Current Studies of Interest to Spiritual Care Providers

There are an increasing number of research studies related to spiritual care in health care. Read more about some of the projects

Request for Research Project Information

One of the core initiatives of HealthCare Chaplaincy Network is to encourage, facilitate and conduct the development of evidence for the effectiveness and value of spiritual care and chaplaincy care. In pursuit of this, we are investigating ways that HCCN could enable researchers to carry out studies. We would like to know if you have or would be interested in gathering data on an initiative you have developed or could develop. Learn more

National Institutes of Health Funds Study of Spiritual Care in Palliative Care

Marking one of the first times the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has funded a study that includes a chaplain-led spiritual care intervention, NIH’s National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Nursing Research have approved a new five-year study entitled “Dignity Therapy RCT Led by Nurses or Chaplains for Elderly Cancer Outpatients.” Learn more

Caring for the Human Spirit Conference

HealthCare Chaplaincy Network has long been a leader in advancing research on the integration of spiritual care within health care.

Our first annual Caring for the Human Spirit® conference (March 31-April 3, 2014) released the largest body of research on spiritual care in health care, presented the first empirical data on the role and effectiveness of chaplaincy care interventions, and launched the new field of interdisciplinary research in spiritual care in health care. This will drive the research agenda for years to come.